
Changes in REGEN-COV Restrictions

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As you are aware, the department of Health and Human Services has placed therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (i.e. REGEN-COV) to treat COVID-19 infection on a state-administered allocation.

The Ohio Department of Health will allocate supply weekly to hospitals and health systems based on case count and supply availability.

The Network is constantly reviewing restrictions of COVID-19 treatments based on supply chain considerations, patient volume, and current literature.

Based on estimated allocation, current usage, and provider feedback, the Kettering Health Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee (P&T) has approved changes to the REGEN-COV restrictions for both hospital and infusion center use.

Below is a summary of changes:

  1. Age criteria for treatment now ≥ 50 (formerly ≥ 65)
  2. BMI criteria for treatment now BMI ≥ 30 (formerly BMI ≥ 35)
  3. Kettering Health can now support the use of REGEN-COV for post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP).
    a. Risk factor criteria for treatment and PEP is consistent, with the exception of age and vaccination status.
    i. Age criteria ≥ 65 is required for PEP vs. ≥ 50 for treatment.
    ii. Unvaccinated/not fully vaccinated patients may receive PEP if they meet other “close contact” qualifiers. Please see referral form for complete list.

Changes to EPIC referral forms and order panels will be live today, 11/11/2021, at approximately noon.

Updated paper copies of the referral forms for treatment and PEP are attached for your reference. Please reference the treatment form here and the PEP form here for a complete list of requirements for REGEN-COV use.

The Network will continue to evaluate this decision at regular intervals and provide updates to these restrictions as appropriate.

November 11, 2021

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