
Chioma Lindo

Read Time: 1 min

Chioma Lindo is an associate professor in the Occupational Therapy department at Kettering College. Originally from Canada, Chioma joined the Kettering Health family five years ago as an occupational therapist before transitioning to her role as an instructor at the college.

For Chioma, her journey at Kettering Health has been full of unexpected twists—but twists she is extremely thankful for.

“Although the transition from clinician to educator was unsettling—to say the least—I would not trade the experience. My advice is not to shy away from the expected or the unexpected. Regarding the unexpected, be prepared to take an opportunity even when you think you are not ready, specifically for opportunities you may not see again. For me, the opportunity to teach came up when I was not seeking it. Be prepared and comfortable with being uncomfortable because sometimes that’s where you will find the most growth, whether in your personal or professional lives.”

February 4, 2022

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