Order Headsets for Meetings in Microsoft Teams
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Order Headsets for Meetings in Microsoft Teams

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Effective April 15, Skype for Business will be removed from all devices, and Microsoft Teams will be the only communication and online meeting software available for Office 365 users. Any online meeting scheduled using Skype will be unusable on and after April 15. For instruction on this process, click here.

A headset is needed for audio connectivity to Microsoft Teams meetings. The headset connects via USB and provides the capability to transmit and receive audio from the connected computer for all sounds, including the audio portion of Teams meetings.

Who will need a headset?

Most meetings created in Microsoft Teams will not have a dial in number. All administrative assistants, executive assistants, project managers, and director-level leadership will have a dial in license. Any exclusions or roles outside of this group must be approved. For approval, please send your request in an email to o365Notifications@ketteringhealth.org. Please note that not all requests are able to be approved.

Outside vendors should be able to connect to Microsoft Teams by using the Teams client and a headset. The Microsoft Teams mobile phone app can also be used without needing a dial-in license and provides multiple connectivity options. Employees are encouraged to explore these options instead of relying on older phone systems.

How can I order a headset?

To order a headset to use with Microsoft Teams, visit the self-service portal here and search for “Teams Headset Purchase.” Single and double-eared headsets are available, and the initial cost is covered by Information Systems in 2020. Cost centers will be responsible for the ongoing purchase of hardware for replacements and new employees in 2021. Please remember that the quantity of headsets is limited.

Where can I learn more?

Contact iSupport at (937) 384-4500 or ext. 44500 with any questions related to Microsoft Teams or email the Office 365 Project Team at o365Notifications@ketteringhealth.org.

If you want to learn more about how to use Microsoft Teams, instructor-led training will be provided at multiple locations throughout the network beginning in January of 2020. Please register for training in HealthStream.

February 12, 2020

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