
Radiologic Procedures Requiring COVID-19 Testing

Read Time: 2 mins

Patients undergoing Interventional and General Radiologic procedures that require anesthesia will be requested to undergo COVID-19 testing 3-4 days prior to the scheduled test.

These procedures are (US, CT, MRI) that require anesthesia as well as the following:     

IR Chest/Lung procedures that would require a Covid Test:

  1. Lung Biopsy or any chest wall/cavity biopsy
  2. Thoracentesis
  3. Chest drains/Chest tubes
  4. PleurX Catheter placement

There may be times when the radiologist may require testing for a procedure if the chest approach may be necessary.

  1. The scheduler obtains approval to schedule the case by the performing Radiologist. At this time it is determined if anesthesia is needed.
    • If the patient needs anesthesia for the procedure an order is placed by the Radiology RN for a PAT assessment by the PAT Team (Ft. Hamilton will be utilizing their own staff to complete this process. It will not go through PAT)

This would include MRI cases that are ordered with anesthesia.

If the procedure fits the guidelines of a Chest/Lung procedure, the Radiology RN will place orders for the Covid testing to be completed per the referring physician and contact the patient on how to get the Covid testing and at what time frame.

For all campuses other than Ft. Hamilton — the patient will be called by PAT to be worked up per their current anesthesia criteria/algorithms.  This work up will include a call to the patient’s referring physician to place an order for Covid testing.  PAT will speak with the patient concerning pre-anesthesia instructions and also guide the patient on how to have their Covid testing completed within the appropriate time frame.

Fort Hamilton patients -the Invasive scheduler will handle the above process.

  1. Physician orders either in EPIC or on paper script the COVID Pre-Surgery Test. The order is SARS-COV-2 LAB98416

The referring physician will be contacted with the positive results through Match MD.

July 20, 2020

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