
Removing Inpatients and Returning Patients from Isolation and Resolving Epic Flags for Confirmed COVID-19

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To resolve COVID-19 confirmed flags and release current inpatients from isolation, the following criteria must be met: 

  • A minimum of ten days has passed since the onset of patient symptoms 
  • Two SARS-CoV2 tests have been collected at least 24 hours apart and are negative for SARS-CoV2 
  • At least three days have passed since the resolution of fever without the use of fever- reducing medications with progressive improvement or resolution of other symptoms. 

Patients who were symptomatic and previously positive for COVID-19 who return to Kettering Health Network facilities will not need to be isolated. Any remaining COVID-19 flags may be removed from their Epic record as long as the following criteria have been met: 

  • A minimum of ten days has passed since the onset of patient symptoms 
  • At least three days have passed since the resolution of fever without the use of fever- reducing medications with progressive improvement or resolution of other symptoms 

Please contact your facility Infection Preventionist to remove COVID-19 flags in Epic as needed. 

June 9, 2020

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