Share a Story

Share your story for a chance to be featured on one of Kettering Health’s platforms – social media, publications, or website!

We know amazing stories happen here everyday. Your weight-loss story or health journey. A physician in your department juggling motherhood and medicine and being her best at both. A nurse who made a life-changing difference. 

A picture and a paragraph go a long way

Do you have an image or images that help tell a story? A picture and a summary of the story that image is telling can have the biggest impact.

85% of our best performing posts on social media are single simple picture with a paragraph or two explaining it.


Please make sure everyone is masked in photos taken in our clinical facilities. If a patient is involved, please ensure we have a signed release form for them on file. They can fill one out digitally below.

Adult Release Form

Minor Release Form


Kettering Health employees’ hub for system updates, stories about our people, events, and more.