Troy Hospital Wins the Clean Hands Count Competition
System, ZList

Troy Hospital Wins the Clean Hands Count Competition

Read Time: 1 min

Thank you for your dedication to making Clean Hands Count!

During Patient Safety Week, we ran a competition to see which campus had the cleanest hands.

Congratulations to Troy Hospital for having the highest compliance score. A close second goes to Sycamore Medical Center.

As we continue to make our Clean Hands Count, here’s what you can do:

  • Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer immediately before touching a patient, after touching a patient, immediately after glove removal, and after contact with blood, bodily fluids, or contaminated surfaces.
  • Wash with soap and water when hands are visibly soiled, after caring for someone with known or suspected infectious diarrhea, and after known or suspected exposure to spores.
  • Make sure you hit frequently missed areas, such as thumbs, fingertips, and in between fingers.
  • When using hand sanitizer, use enough product so that hands stay wet for at least 20 seconds.
  • When washing with soap and water, wash for at least 15 seconds, covering all surfaces. Rinse your hands with water, and always use a towel to turn off the faucet.
March 31, 2020

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