People, Stars

Check Out the Network’s June Constellation Award Recipients

Read Time: 3 mins

The constellation award recognizes strong teams that come together to serve patients and each other. They demonstrate a calling to care, live the network’s values, and show exceptional performance as defined by the network’s Standards of Behavior. We are giving a special focus to this award by recognizing individuals who have demonstrated our values specifically in the context of COVID-19. How we celebrate these award winners will be different in light of social distancing.

You can read their nomination stories and see their photos below. Congratulations to all of our recipients!

Vanessa Griffin, Rebekah Tyre, Jodi Walland, Kimberly Zeckser, Martha Hoying

“This amazing group of women went above and beyond during the COVID-19 pandemic and came in on their day off (Sunday) and beautified our sidewalks to the entrance of the Kettering Pavilion with uplifting messages, bible verses, and spring images. They did this to bring a little happiness and encouragement to our staff and patients as they enter our doors during this already difficult time for them battling cancer, but also this pandemic that makes it hard for them to be around family, friends, and loved ones who may have been with them in person for a treatment or physician appointment.”

Zachary Butts, Marie Leist-Smith, Ian Flagg, Jennifer Sands

“This group was instrumental at deploying a Network staffing resources office to serve the staffing needs across all facilities. They dedicated their time and effort to serving during the COVID-19 planning to create a new process that will benefit the network for years to come. Together, the team made it possible to ensure that staffing needs would be met with internal resources in a way that was not possible previously.  This effort has the potential to save the network $2.7M yearly.”

Katherene Larue-Martin, Laura Stafford, Tyler Steele, Joseph Neel, Laurie Jakoplic

“This group quickly stepped in to lead the scheduling and management of displaced KHN employees assigned to screening patients and staff at network hospitals due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Each of them quickly implemented a plan to cover multiple hospital entrances to help slow the spread of novel coronavirus and protect the vulnerable patients seeking care from Kettering Health Network. Their health care expertise as Athletic Trainers allowed them to step into this role managing multiple individuals during a time of crisis. Their action and willingness to step into an unknown and undefined process has allowed KHN to safely move forward with critical operations during a challenging time of global upheaval. I believe that through their quick and responsive action our network hospitals are safer for patients and employees.”

Amanda Pendleton and Roxanne Chaney

“Recently, Mandy and Roxanne received a call from a 90-year old patient asking if one of them could go get his groceries and pick up prescriptions for him. He did not want to risk exposure to COVID-19 and he was taking care of his wife with dementia. Right away they said they would take care of it. Mandy got the list and Roxanne went to pick up what he needed including his medication. This is a prime example of compassion and selflessness that these women do every day, not just because it is what KHN believes, but because that is who they are. Acts of kindness and caring bring positivity and love, something this world needs more of. It shows the commitment our team has for their patients in the community and if there is a need, they will do what they can to help.”

June 26, 2020

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