
FAQ for Pre-Procedural Patients with Positive COVID-19 Tests

Read Time: 1 min

1. What does a positive test mean? 

You have infection with the coronavirus (COVID-19) and though asymptomatic you could be contagious to others. 

2. What should I do if my test is positive? 

Self-quarantine for 14 days.  This means you should stay at home and avoid close contact with other people as much as possible.  Wear a mask when contact with others is required and wash your hands and clean common surfaces like door knobs frequently.  Notify individuals with whom you have had close contact, particularly if you did not have a mask on and were within six feet of them when in contact. 

3. Will my surgery be cancelled? 

Your surgeon will decide whether to cancel your surgery and will notify you of their decision. 

4. When can my surgery be rescheduled? 

For asymptomatic patients, it is safe to reschedule the surgery at least 10 days after the test was positive. 

5. Do I need to be re-tested before surgery? 

No.  The test can detect viral RNA for a prolonged period, but this does not mean infectious virus is present.  For this reason, re-testing an asymptomatic person is not recommended.  The surgery can proceed if 10 days or more have passed since the positive test. 

6. What are the symptoms of COVID-19?  

The most common symptoms are fever, cough, shortness of breath, diarrhea, and loss of taste or smell. 

7. What should I do if I develop symptoms? 

Call your primary care provider for recommendations. 

August 13, 2020

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